Walther-Nothelfer-Str. 7 66687 Wadern Germany
Do you have questions about Innopha GmbH, our complementary feed and care products, or anything else?
Contact us: +49 (0) 68 71 / 92 02 0 | info@innopha.de
We offer products for cats in the following categories: complementary feeds, coat and skin care, and oils and liquids.
Apply anti-bite spray to surfaces to prevent animals from chewing on them.
Hemp oil contains important fatty acids that can strengthen an animal’s immune system and boost natural defences. It also has posi...
The skin-strengthening herbal extracts of this ointment help to keep the animal’s paws supple and protect them from external facto...
Salmon oil has essential fatty acids that can boost an animal’s immune system. It also has positive effects on the skin and coat. ...
Christian Jung
Kerstin Schmitt
Authorized officer