Walther-Nothelfer-Str. 7 66687 Wadern Germany
Do you have questions about Innopha GmbH, our complementary feed and care products, or anything else?
Contact us: +49 (0) 68 71 / 92 02 0 | info@innopha.de
Our team is made up of dedicated and experienced employees who care about our customers’ satisfaction. We’re always ready to answer any questions you might have about our services and products.
Christian Jung
Carmen Jung
Commercial Management
Maximilian Jung
Moritz Jung
Kerstin Schmitt
Authorized officer
Annika Schiffmann
Jeannine Mehle
Beate Keller
Carmen Elsenberg
Heiko Kolz
Sarah Enzweiler
Social Media + Marketing
Yannik Müller
Freddy Sturm