Walther-Nothelfer-Str. 7 66687 Wadern Germany
Do you have questions about Innopha GmbH, our complementary feed and care products, or anything else?
Contact us: +49 (0) 68 71 / 92 02 0 | info@innopha.de
Here you’ll find a selection of our joint and muscle care products.
We are also happy to help you develop your own formula.
Do you already have an idea and would you like to develop a new product?
Contact us and let’s get started!
Cooling gel helps in the regeneration of tendons, ligaments and joints of tired legs after heavy work. Its natural substances prod...
Use this paste to make a poultice to cool stressed or aching joints and tendons. Warmed, it can help to relieve muscle tension.
Green mineral clay paste to help in the regeneration of overworked tendons, muscles, ligaments and joints. Contains important mine...
This gel contains arnica, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint and frankincense for positive effects on blood circulation in the muscl...
Christian Jung
Kerstin Schmitt
Authorized officer