Walther-Nothelfer-Str. 7 66687 Wadern Germany
Do you have questions about Innopha GmbH, our complementary feed and care products, or anything else?
Contact us: +49 (0) 68 71 / 92 02 0 | info@innopha.de
Here you’ll find a selection of our various mineral feeds. We are also happy to develop your own formula.
Tell us your ideas!
Airways mineral pellets contain important minerals and a variety of herbs including fennel, nettle and ribwort plantain; these hav...
Basis mineral feed pellets contain important nutrients like vitamin E for muscle metabolism, magnesium to support nerve function a...
Specially formulated for growing horses with an abundance of important vitamins and minerals. Young horses need sufficient vitamin...
Metabolism mineral pellets are ideal for horses with metabolic disorders. They contain aniseed which has diuretic and dehydrating ...
Mineral pellets have a high-quality supply of minerals and vitamins and are ideal for enhancing the daily base feed rations of bre...
Senior mineral pellets are ideal for senior horses. They contain zinc, selenium and manganese to meet the mineral requirements of ...
Sport mineral pellets contain amino acids like lysine and methionine which support muscle development. This is especially importan...
Christian Jung
Kerstin Schmitt
Authorized officer